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4 Banned Hashtag Myths Debunked

Hashtags have evolved from a fun feature to a staple for brands and companies looking to connect their business and products with potential customers on social media platforms.  While plenty of articles promote the different ways to use hashtags (developing one for your brand, using trending or industry-specific hashtags, and so on), social media platforms … Continued

Is it Time for a Website Update?

Launching a new website can be a large undertaking — especially if your organization has a large website or a small in-house team. If you’re working in a highly competitive industry, such as eCommerce, doing frequent website updates or rebuilds might already be a given. But in plenty more scenarios, the timeline for building a … Continued

Will AI-Generated Images Replace Stock Photography?

AI is now mainstream: with self-driving cars, robot grocery stockers, and text and image generators that provide near-instant outputs. As a digital agency AI Specialist, one of the tools I use is text-to-image AI, which generates high-quality images from simple text prompts. Teams like ours who once relied on stock photos for their campaigns enjoy … Continued

What is Critical Thinking?

One of the things that haunts my thoughts at night is this: what makes one product better than another? What differentiates software? What, exactly, is the way you can discover how to change the question “Why should I use this?” into “Why shouldn’t I use this?” At every level of software consulting, what I actually provide for … Continued